Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Welcome to Boulder Paradise :)


I am really busy at the moment, so I try to sum up my last weekend which was just awsome. I went to Hampi, which is a little village in eight hours in the north of Bangalore. last Thursday was a national holiday here in Karnataka, so I took the friday off and took the bus on thursday night.

As I arrived in Hampi I took a room, threw my bag off and went to the centre. I visited the huge Temple in the heart of this little village and some other historical places. I imediatelly felt so good in Hampi. All over the place there were little stones, ready to get bouldered. But at lunch time I met a girl from Germany and one from Israel and we decided to go for a boat trip to a temple, called monkey temple. The boats looked quite funny but they did their job. The view from the temple was incredible. We had some dinner afterwoods and then went to see the sunset.

The next day I got up at 4 o' clock in the night to climb a mountain outside of the city to see the sunrise. It seems that there was a stairway leading to the top of the hill but suddenly it disappeared. I already had my climbing shoes with me as I planned to go climbing all day, so I gave a damn about the stairs and started to climb my own way. On the top of that mountain there was a little temple and I decided to climb it's roof also to have the best view. Totaly proud of myself I stood on the roof. But then I saw three people already sitting there. When I asked them how the hell they came up here, they told me that there are stairs even untill the roof. I must had missed them in the dark and we all had to laugh about that. Anyways the sunrise was amazing.

As I said I went climbing that day and it was just like a "all-you-can-eat-buffet". Unfortunately the rocks there were bloody sharp and I had to quit sometime because my fingers could not take it anymore :)

On the way to the other side of the river I met a finish girl, named Milka with who I spend the rest of the day. With some other Israel people she met before we had dinner and hung around.

The next day I went climbing again. This time I met a british guy who was here for climbing also and we had a long session. He also had a crash-pad, so we could also go for some risky ones :) The rest of the day I spent with Milka, her cousin and an Indian guy and caught sometime in the evening the bus back to Bangalore.

There would be so much more to say, but I really have to go back to work now. Bye

P.S.: I will upload more pictures this week and maybe write some more but the internet connection here really sucks.


Anonymous said...

I think everybody reading your report is competely talkless (and perhaps therefore writeless ??) and jeallous about your lovely freedom experiences!!! Go on and take care wherever you are and whatever you do!! I'll be thinking of you..;o)
Love from Mama

Anonymous said...

Novembergrüße aus Kriftel,brrr,

von SoNnenuntergängen können wir derzeit nur träumen.
Staunen jedes Mal über deine Erlebnisse und Leute kennenzulernen scheint ja auch kein Problem zu sein.
Witerhin viel Spaß und---wann bist deu denn wieder mal zum Esen eingeladen?

Liebe Grüße

the four witteks

Anonymous said...

Hallo Philippe,
bei den ersten Bildern dachte ich: nun, er könnte sich auch mal Zeit nehmen, einen Frisör aufzusuchen....als ich dann weiter schaute, dachte ich, wie konnte ich nur an meinem Sohn zweifeln!!!
Dennoch eine Frage: Ist dein offizielles Duschwasser in ähnlicher Konsistenz (farblich, u.ä.) wie für den gemeinen indischen Tempelbesucher???

Von der Arbeit gibt es sicher keine spannenden Bilder....wer kann die denn auch schon bieten??!!?? Ausser vielleicht eine "banale" Skifreizeit in den europäischen Alpen...

Reichen deine Pflasterreserven für die beanspruchten Hände durch das Klettern? Jedenfalls hättest du den Frankfurter Uni-Klettersportschein sofort!!
Gratuliere zu soviel Mut und Unternehmungsggeist...und zu guter letzt der immer wohlgemeinte Mamarat: Pass auf dich gut auf!!
Alles Liebe deine MAMA

PS: gehe demnächst mal in einer Kletterhalle vom MTK klettern...eine echte Herausforderung, die ich "locker" meistern werde...du kennst ja deine sportliche Mutter!!
