Friday, November 9, 2007

Happy Diwali!

Yesterday was Diwali. This is the biggest Festival for Hindus and can be compared to Christmas. Although they celebrate it like new years eve. Like everything here it does not seem to be very organised, as they do not have a certain time when they start the fireworks and you here it all day long. And still today there are some fireworks going on in the streets :) You have to know that fireworks here sound like someone just detonated a car bomb, although the clacker has the size of a AAA-battarie. I guess that is, because there are no prohibeted fireworks here.
The story about Diwali is very long and no one knows it exactly, I think. You here different versions but it does not seem to be a problem. What every story has in common is that it is about Krishna :)

This week was realy busy for me. I shifted my appartement and now I am with an other intern and an Indian colleague in one flat. I do not have a maid anymore so my room stays a mess all day. Unfortunately I realized that I am pretty confortable with that and I feel more like home then before. There are still many things to organise and they take for ages here.

Yesterday I visited the new airport and it was a kind of a gooseflesh felling to see this big project and to know that you are working on that at the moment. I would like to see it when it is finished. We also raced the runway with our car, which I think I wont be able to do again in my life ;).

In a couple of minutes the whole company goes for a Diwali-Lunch. Lots of food again I guess :) I maybe upload some pictures of my room and my roommaid, a liitle gecko, which I named Wilhelm.

By the way, I uploaded some prictures at "Welcome to Boulder Paradise" so check it out and thats it for now.

Happy Diwali once again.


Anonymous said...

Habe hier vom Diwali fest im Fernsehen gesehen...toll zu denken, du warst irgendwo dabei..!
übrigens, gibt es auch ein Foto vom Firsörbesuch danach??? Oder hat sich die Kamera auflösen müssen...In Istanbul war der Frisörbesuch auch einmalig und positiven Sinne, besonders fürs Portemonnaie!

Gruss Mama

Nicolas said...

begleitet dich eigentlich eine bestimmter affe die ganze zeit, oder gibts da nur so viele?
ich ruf dich nachher an!
